If you’ve ever wondered how we transport our homes to site, you’re in for a treat – because we’ve captured our recent delivery of the beautiful 4-bedroom Aspendale to its new home in Metung on film!
With over half a million views on YouTube, this captivating video offers a glimpse into every stage of the Anchor Homes delivery process. From the loading of the modules at our manufacturing facility in Stratford, to the precise installation on site, our experienced transportation team do a fabulous job getting their precious cargo to its destination.

So to see the journey for yourself, check out our video above and story below!
Loading the truck

It’s an early start on delivery day, and our team places the modules in position, ready to go. The 4-bedroom Aspendale is made up of two modules, which will each travel by road on their own truck.

Our transport partners specialise in delivering houses, and they have successfully delivered hundreds of homes for us across Victoria and southern New South Wales.

Loading the modules onto the truck is made easy thanks to the use of hydraulic lifts which raise the modules up to the right height, ready for the truck to reverse straight under.

This method allows for a smooth and easy loading process. Once both modules are secured onto the trailer, the convoy sets off.
On the road

The size of the modules means that permits are required and we must travel on the overland route. There can also be other conditions that must be met, for example, designated travel times to avoid congestion.

The trucks travel together, accompanied by pilot vehicles to guide the way. As you can imagine, the sight of our stunning homes driving by certainly turns heads and stops people in their tracks!

Like this home, which is on the way to picturesque Metung, many of our homes are delivered to rural and remote areas. Our drivers are experts at navigating their way through all kinds of locations, enjoying the views along the way.
Site installation

The excitement builds as the team rounds the corner and arrives on site. Our lucky clients are positioned in a beautiful location, and the Aspendale will look right at home here overlooking the water.

The site preparation has been completed in advance, which is one reason why modular homes can be built faster than conventional builds. On a site with good access such as this, the truck simply backs in over the footings, and the modules are carefully placed onto the hydraulic lifts, ready to be lowered onto the foundations.

Once the first module is installed, module two is carefully backed into position, and the process is repeated by the on site team who then secure both modules in place.

From here, the site team will complete the installation over the course of 6–10 weeks, putting the finishing touches on so that the home is ready for the new owners to enjoy.

This Aspendale has found its forever home, waterside in beautiful Metung. What an amazing view from an amazing house!
If you have a question about the modular home process, we’d love to hear from you! Post a comment below or contact our team for friendly advice.