As you would be aware, since March 2020, there have been some significant changes to the way we have been doing business here at Anchor Homes due to the current COVID-19 global pandemic.
The recent announcements detailing lockdown in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria has meant there will be some additional temporary changes we would like to bring to your attention.
Firstly, we are pleased to let you know that residential construction is deemed as an essential service still, so we are still running (almost) as normal.
Display Homes
Our Display Homes at Bayswater are currently closed. Our Stratford Display Homes remain open by appointment only. We will endeavour to re-open our Display Homes as soon as it is safe to do so. As you may be aware, we have two brand-new display homes in Bayswater, and we can’t wait to show you through!
Future Projects
Our Project Consultants are still working from home and providing the same outstanding service. Throughout these restrictions you can still do the following to move forward with your journey towards buying a new home:
- View our home designs online
- Take virtual tours of our display homes online
- Submit an online sales enquiry
- Book an appointment for a video call with a project consultant
- Call us to speak about your project with our friendly Project Consultants
Current Projects
As residential building is deemed as an essential service, we are confident that this will have very little impact on your build, whatever stage it is at and of being able to complete your home as agreed in your building contract. The impacts of the NSW border restrictions, however, do present some issues, and if we are held up due to this border closure legislation, please rest assured we will do what we can to get your project back on track as quickly as possible, and will endeavour to use local trades to keep the projects moving along. If you haven't already been updated, your Project Manager will be in contact to discuss.
Colour Selections
Our Colour Selection studio in Bayswater is temporarily closed for appointments during Stage 4 restrictions. We are happy to help you with your selections using video conferencing with one of our Colour Consultants. We are still able, however, to continue to conduct face to face colour selections at our Stratford Colour Selection studio, by appointment only.
Our construction teams are able to continue to supervise all projects and trades, albeit on a restricted basis. We have implemented a COVID-Safe plan for our sites to ensure the safety of our staff and sub-contractors. Throughout this period, we do ask owners to refrain from visiting sites, unless by appointment for Practical Completion Inspections or Settlement. Please feel free to reach out to your Project Manager about which option will suit you best.
Warranty & Service
Under the current Stage 4 restrictions, some repairs and maintenance are permitted, however this is where it is required for emergency or safety only. If required, we will be in contact to re-schedule non-critical service and warranty visits.
We thank you for your understanding and patience throughout this pandemic period. If you have any questions, we would love to hear from you.
Stay safe, and we will see you soon!